Pandora Charms - The Difference Between 10k, 14k, 18k, And 24k Gold

Pandora Charms - The Difference Between 10k, 14k, 18k, And 24k Gold

We're going to talk about what's the difference between 10 karats 14-karat 18-karat 22 karats and 24 karats gold. And how to test for each one what's the most accurate way and what are all the ways to test for. If your build is real fake rhodium-plated stainless steel whatever it is I'm gonna teach you how to test for. So what is 10 karat 10-karat is 41.7% pure gold 14 karat is 58.5% pure gold and 18 karats are 75% pure gold 22 karat is 91.6% pure gold and pure gold is 99.999% pure gold which is 24 karat. That's what everybody wants but almost nothing is manufactured in 24 karats because of how fragile. If you wanna Cuban link in 24 care we could probably do it that's no problem 22 karat humanly (Pandora Charms). 

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We can do it no problem anything else and 22 to 24 karat gets really hard to deal with but special occasions. If you really want something for the right price you can make. The most commercial gold or ten care and fourteen care that's what most people buy a few people buy 18 karats or if you want to be an exclusive class you get 18 care now. How to test the dip Tenn Care 14-karat 18-karat 22 karat. We currently use more scientific. I taught myself to x-ray analyzer thus analyzer is to analyze gold so putting on the piece of gold.

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This is the most accurate way to test gold. Everywhere so people who use and then it tells you it's 14 care this is fourteen point three two carats. And fifty-nine point six nine percent of gold so this piece right here is a little over. The fifty-eight points five percent of the gold that has to be,

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the same thing will be with 10 karats so 10 karat chain this was coming out loving care so as stamp ten carats coming out of loving care. Which is forty-five point eight nine percent gold anything above. And better it's a little less. What I would say if your piece of gold once you tested with the x-ray machine.

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 If it's nine-point nine zero or nine-point eight five it's still passable s 10 karat. Well, we try and do everything above so if it's 10 ish if it's 10 karats. It should be 1001 or should go above should never be less but it could happen. It's all about the mixture and where you're testing. It let's say you test it right here it could give 1025 so you test. 

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It over here you could give 995 and it's all how long you put it on there. So if you put it on with the x-ray machine you put it on 10 seconds to do a 10-second test on it on a pave finger. On an 11-second test, they gave 41.5% nine point nine seven percent. So it's point two off of ten care I mean if you test it anywhere else. 

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It will give the 10k and right there gave 41.96 so this is the most accurate way to test it it tells you exactly. What it is now a lot of jewelers still use acid and rock method Where you stretch a piece of jewelry before a little bit of acid on. And it's got 10 karats 14-karat 18-karat gold acid and the if it goes away it's not girls at all if it smokes a little bit it's a little under care or. It still could be the carrot with the acid you never know acid is the least accurate way to test a piece of jewelry sometimes.

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They even throw the acid on top of the Jewelry. And if the jewelry even has a gold plating on it. They'll be like oh it's not real and not true because every piece of doing is go play it. If you see this piece right here has a completely different color than these ones. They're both solid gold which I just proved to you is a completely different color than this but this one before I left the factory. They play today this one is not plated listen. They're not plated and there's also the gel pen method. And it should type it as 10 or 14 karat sounds a little more accurate. Then the current acid method. 

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Which everyone uses the reason people use if the rock and acid method is because it's the cheapest way. This is the most expensive way there's away. I recommend you get your jewelry tested. If you have a Cuban link or any other piece of jewelry be it a $100 item to a $10,000 get it tough do it. The next year machine somebody in your town has to have an x-ray machine. They're not everywhere just yet because they still are expensive pieces they run about 20 to 25,000 dollars depending on the model (Pandora Charms)

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That you get there's a thermal scientific there's Olympus you can look them up online but check your jewelry out If you have if your I know we got a blog of other jewelry stores in the local area. They bring their jewelry over here to get it tested. But they don't want to their cut their customers bring their jewelry over here to get a tested. It usually goes down to about 12 carats and is 14. We even have a blog of one that's stamped 14 carats.

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Then it came out of levy care. So yeah beware when you buy jewelry busts do it from somebody you trust somebody. That can respond to any of the problems because. If you spend money for a 14-karat piece and you get a 10 karat 05:49 piece. It's not nice or if you get a 12-carat piece it's not nice because you did pay that extra money for the 14-karat. They'll be aware when you buy to make sure it's everything's 100% guaranteed if not you can return it and get your money back. I know a lot of jewelers started to knock it so stay tuned give us a share and let us know what you think. 

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